Creating your optimal Ergonomic Workspace

Creating your optimal Ergonomic Workspace


Spending long hours sitting at a poor workspace setup can often cause fatigue and pain. The correct ergonomic workstation could reduce aches, boost...

Returning to Running after an Injury

Returning to Running after an Injury


How to overcome the emotional rollercoaster.

Getting back to running after an injury can be daunting. There is definitely a psychological...

What is a good Physio consultation?

What is a good Physio consultation?


A good Physiotherapy consultation is a two-way street and communication is essential for success. Expect to be asked loads of questions, undergo a...

Foam Rolling: The miracle cure for fatigued muscles?

Foam Rolling: The miracle cure for fatigued muscles?


There’s one thing all exercise has in common, from swimming to dancing, CrossFit to cross-country skiing - all of it works your mus...

I have Osteoporosis - the physio can not help me.

I have Osteoporosis - the physio can not help me.


The general belief is that once you are diagnosed with osteoporosis you need to be wrapped in cotton wool and bubble wrap because the slightest bum...

The Lighter Load

The Lighter Load


3 Injuries You’ll Probably Experience and How to Avoid Them

3 Injuries You’ll Probably Experience and How to Avoid Them


Whether you’re a full-time, professional athlete, or just someone who likes to get out in the fresh air a few times a week, the chances are g...

RICE vs MEAT? We may have to call the POLICE.

RICE vs MEAT? We may have to call the POLICE.


I’m sure every athlete, trainer, or participant on a first aid course is familiar with the acronym RICE… RICE is a mnemonic for four e...

Knee Osteoarthritis … Should I stop running?

Knee Osteoarthritis … Should I stop running?


Suprisingly NO!...

In a 2017 study, researchers found that of the 1203 patients all over the age of 50 years, those who continued running...